Monday, August 2, 2010

Busy Monday

I was supposed to come with Jeon to school today to give out the birthday invitations. But unfortunately, my hubby forgot that the house key shares the same key chain with the car key. Since he used the car key last night and it was his sister who drove back to their parent's home. Our house key was nowhere to be found. I had no choice but to stay at home and wait for my son.

I thought I could at least have a couple of minutes more of sleep after everyone has gone to school and work. But our house is topsy turvy, so the urge to clean it was there. Before I picked up the broom and the glass cleaner, I started the laundry. At least, the machine would start to wash as I start doing household chores as well. I got the chance to clean the entire home and our small garden as well.

Just in time for Jeon's arrival from school, I was able to cook rice and dish for our lunch. Doing the dishes was quite easy, and it was time for me to sleep again. Oops! not yet, I need to finish blog assignments which are due today and until Wednesday. I was able to do the three blog assignments and four more to go.

It was indeed a very busy day. Thank God I have the capability to do multi-tasking. Gotta go, I need to snooze.

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